Wednesday, May 29, 2013

30 weeks!

We had our 30 week growth ultrasound on Tuesday. It was nice because my parents came to the ultrasound with us, so they got to see Baby Brokaw. The baby weighs 3lb. 14 oz. and is still in the 78th percentile for weight...for the 3rd month in a row, so it's growing at a very consistent rate.

During the ultrasound, the tech got this picture and it has quickly become my favorite. For the first time,  it looks like a baby. I'm so excited to meet the newest member of our family!

The baby is still breech, in fact, it's Frank Breech (sounds like a retired teacher's name to me), so when I go back at 34 weeks, we will make the decision to try and turn the baby or schedule a c-section. Right now, I'm leaning towards trying to turn the baby, but there's time to think about it. I'm still hoping that it will turn on it's own and it will all be a moot point!

Our May bump picture

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