Wednesday, April 24, 2013

We've got a bump....

I knew I was never going to be the really cute pregnant know the people that look like they swallowed a basketball and are just cute when they are pregnant. I knew that was not what pregnancy was going to look like on me and I was ok with it. I have Steve take my picture every month around the middle of the month. I'd been waiting for a while to get my baby bump, waiting for my regular pants to be too tight, waiting for shirts to start to get shorter, waiting for the time to bust out the maternity pants. 

This is my picture from February, I was about 16 weeks pregnant. 

This picture is from mid-March. There's a little bit of difference, but nothing too noticeable.

And now, welcome to April. This was taken on Sunday at 24 weeks and 5 days. We definitely have a bump! In fact, on Monday, one of my co-workers made a comment about me really starting to show, so it's obvious to more than just me. The funny thing is that is just happened out of nowhere. I never thought I had changed that much in the last month. 

Until mid-May......